
Optical inspection device Anti-reflection film adhesion Measuring method

Abstract: 本文介绍了一种测量减反射膜层附着力的实验方法,该膜层广泛用于光学器件中以提高透过率和清晰度。首先,将镜片在电热恒温水浴锅中加热至40°C±2°C,保持16小时以模拟实际使用条件,然后在室温下放置30分钟使其稳定。接着,镜片表面用切割刀具划分为网格区域,以形成100个小方格。使用透明胶粘带覆盖这些网格区域,并以90°角快速撕离胶粘带。最后,通过目视检查或显微镜观察,评估膜层的脱落情况。该方法操作简便,结果可靠,为光学器件的设计和生产提供了有效的附着力评估手段。未来,随着科技的发展,微纳米技术和激光干涉技术等新方法有望进一步提高附着力测量的精确度和可靠性。

Anti-reflection coating is a widely used optical coating used to reduce reflection on the surface of optical devices and improve the transmittance and clarity of optical systems. However, the adhesion of the anti-reflective coating is critical to its performance and stability. Therefore, manufacturers and researchers need a reliable method to evaluate the adhesion of anti-reflective coatings. This article will introduce a method for measuring the adhesion of anti-reflective coatings, and combine it with practical steps and theoretical knowledge.

First, place the lens to be tested on the bracket of the electric thermostatic water bath, and set the water temperature to 40°C plus or minus 2°C. Under corresponding humidity conditions, keep the lenses in water for 16 hours, then take them out and leave them at room temperature for 30 minutes. This step is designed to simulate the conditions of the lens in the actual use environment and bring it to a stable state.

Next, clean and dry the lens, and use a cutting tool to cut 5mm~10mm from the near edge of the front and rear surfaces of the lens. When cutting, ensure that two grid areas are formed and the grid areas do not overlap. At the same time, the coating layer of the lens sheet should be scored during cutting. Each grid area should be cut with 6 parallel lines in the horizontal and vertical directions, with each parallel line spaced 1mm apart, forming a total of 100 small squares.

Then, select a grid area, use a soft brush to swipe the grid area, pull out and cut an appropriate length of transparent adhesive tape at a uniform speed, and paste it on the grid area according to the specified method. The range of the adhesive tape should extend 5mm beyond the edge of the grid and be flattened with your fingers to ensure good contact with the film layer. Then, hold the hanging end of the adhesive tape, quickly peel off the adhesive tape at an angle close to 90°, and repeat this process once. Repeat the same operation for the other three grid areas.

Finally, after the test is completed, check whether there is any peeling off of the anti-reflective coating on the adhesive tape and lens. Assessment of shedding can be done by visual inspection or microscopic observation.

Photo 1 of the measurement method for adhesion of anti-reflective coatings on optical devices

The method described above is a commonly used method for measuring the adhesion of anti-reflective coatings, which is easy to operate and has reliable results. Through this method, manufacturers and researchers can accurately evaluate the adhesion of anti-reflective coatings, providing an important reference for the design and production of optical devices.

In addition to the above methods, modern science and technology are constantly exploring and developing more advanced measurement technologies and equipment. For example, the use of micro-nano technology to prepare surface nanostructures can improve the adhesion and optical properties of anti-reflective coatings. In addition, non-contact measurement methods such as laser interference technology are also widely used in the research and evaluation of optical film layer adhesion. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, I believe that in the future, there will be more and more accurate methods for measuring and evaluating the adhesion of anti-reflective coatings.

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